

Diary Of A Mother Of An Autistic Child

But I also have my meltdowns and my lowest moments. I often do cry for hours, just wondering what will happen to him. This happens mostly after situations when I feel guilty and I feel I failed as a mother when all my efforts to teach him something end in vain. I have heard my relatives discussing my son’s “sickness”. I have heard my mother-in-law blaming my genes. I saw people looking at my kid and being judgemental.

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food story

Delightful Iftaar

Iftar is a special time to bond with family and friends. Small get-togethers happen over the month; sharing and caring are the highlight of these 30 days. There is laughter, there is Barkat (blessings) and there is a different kind of energy we radiate during this month.

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social taboo

Driving buses: A brief ‘her’-story

But was it fair work with equal wages? Not at all! Not surprisingly, they did not receive the same pay, neither were their work conditions in any way, equal to that of men. But there was a strong resistance from these working women.

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Despite Being Happily Married, She Found A New Love

Sometimes in life, we take wrong decisions. We fail to set our priorities right. And as a result, our loved ones, along with us, have to suffer the consequences. We keep searching for love in the outer world while it lies very close to us, very much within us. What we need to do is find and embrace it.

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Covid warriors

A Covid Widow Remembers Valentine’s Day

Pandemic has changed life for millions of people. Many families have lost their near and dear ones. As a citizen, we are always thankful to the covid warriors who worked relentlessly during the pandemic. They never had breaks and they never sat at home. Nation and duty above all. But what about the bereaved families? How can they cope with the emotional loss? No one knows.

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