The Zeal Amaranthine!

A poem on freedom

From the shackles unthawed, that freeze my soul

The attachments verklempt, that veil the spirit like a caged fowl

The monody by diffidence, peckers my conviction

Wings bondaged and shrouded with arcane affliction

As I trudge towards nowhere, sweatdrops trickle down my forehead

But I see a road ahead to stand me in good stead.

Getting out of a dungeon, is easier than liberating the untamed

Letting the wild spirit run the way it wants, unapologetic and unashamed

The massive walls bricked around my thoughts are setbacks

But the immured imagination has learnt to peep through the cracks

As I soar higher towards somewhere, in a maverick gear

I see a happier, wiser me, on the other side of fear.

The fetters, the chains, the thraldom are all in my mind

This sojourn I so tread on, to emancipate the confined

Fire and thorns and frustration, await like landmark

In my willing heart, I keep, an unquenchable spark

As I forge towards myself, on this walk labyrinthine

I see a measured volition, and that my zeal is amaranthine.

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