The lifestyle today has changed drastically. Life has become too fast-paced due to rapid technological advancement. Many of us find it challenging to cope with the day-to-day changes. It’s time we women follow some basic changing measures, to make our life better. This will help us stay away from stress and be more flexible towards accepting the wave of change that is surrounding us every day.
- The Art of Journaling
We have to learn to journal our everyday thoughts and actions. Because if we do not write about our day-to-day actions and activities, we will never know where we went wrong or what wise decision did we take in a given difficult situation. This will help us improve our behaviour, we will become more aware of our strengths and weaknesses, and also the actions that are not practical enough, or are inappropriate will reduce in number. This journey of journaling helps us analyse and explore our actions, and thus makes us a better version of ourselves in the long run.
- Learn To Make Hay While The Sun Shines
Many a time, we as women, have to make a tough choice or decision about better career opportunities. We must grab the opportunity that is knocking on our door right at this moment, rather than waiting for another golden chance that may come later, or never. We have to learn to live for the present. The present should be happy. We, and to be honest, every human being, have the potential to turn a small opportunity into a bigger one, get better and stronger, with time, with our determination and willpower. There is no dearth of opportunities today. We just need to be willing enough to create an identity for ourselves, and it will be possible only if we learn to make hay while the sun shines.
- Excercise Regularly
We must make it a point to do some form of exercise regularly. Exercising regularly keeps both the mind and the body healthy. Let’s choose a style that suits us. May it be walking, going to the gym, cycling, jogging, or running. Exercising regularly will increase the metabolic rate of the body too. Starting our days by 6.00 am is also one of the best things to do, as this is the quietest and most peaceful time of the day, and we may be able to have some quiet time for ourselves.
- Learn To Prioritise Yourself
Most of us usually spend our days prioritising our near and dear ones but when it comes to taking basic care of ourselves, we fail to do so. We women generally ignore small health-related issues, leading to serious problems and sufferings later. It is necessary that we speak up about our needs without feeling guilty. It is not selfish to take out time for ourselves or love ourselves a little more than what we do now. Grooming ourselves regularly is important for our mental wellness. We must also take out time to pursue our hobbies. This keeps one stress-free and happy.
- Learn A New Skill or Pursue A New Hobby
We must take out time to learn a new skill or pursue a new hobby. Veena was an IT professional, who realised that her job was turning out to be dull and hectic. That is when she read an article about choosing writing as a hobby. She immediately enrolled herself in the course. Soon she learned to write short stories, poems, and articles parallelly with her job and was soon ready to bring out her first storybook for children. Thus, pursuing a new hobby or learning a new skill adds a new zeal to life. It helps one to explore one’s potential in a better way and motivates the person to do something beyond the ordinary. We women must try to explore their talents and hidden potential. Learning has no age limit. It only expands our horizons and makes us happier.
- Count Your Achievements
Let’s stop blaming ourselves for everything that has gone wrong around us.
Let’s stop overthinking about failures and remember and acknowledge our achievements. We, women, need to do this regularly to boost our confidence. Now is the time when we should try to get past our hesitations and apprehensions and start being confident about our achievements or successes, however small it looks to others. For this is the only way to keep moving ahead and achieve our goals.

By Aditi Lahiry
An English and French Language trainer, Aditi is equally passionate about writing poems, short stories, articles and story telling too. Her works have been published in various anthologies and magazines including Airavata 1 published by Ukiyoto publishers , Wide Awake by Ukiyoto publishers and Chrysanthemum Chronicles Anniversary Edition. She can be contacted at
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