Bishwokorma Thakur and the pujo associated with that are often made into an ode for engineering and engineers. I will tell you why this pujo is apt for celebrating mothers. The post is dedicated to all the mothers who get an “engineering” degree in motherhood.
Who said engineering is dominated by men! Speak to mothers who choose to work or are forced to work even outside the home – they are constantly INNOVATING and BUILDING – just like ENGINEERS. Innovating – ideas on how to hoodwink a child into not missing them, feeding them what they don’t like but the mother believes is good (so on and so forth) AND building relations with people the mother wouldn’t otherwise heed, only because they need all that help to raise that tiny human. Mothers – engineering nations since the beginning of time.
Just like Engineers, whose success lies in their “placement pay check” and not whether the job has got anything to do with their basic degree or discipline; for mothers also, their success depends on how many soiled nappies they can wash without complaining or how many things they can give up (including, but not limited to, their careers) without showing an iota of regret.
Actually, Bishwokorma pujo in reality is Mother’s Day.
But just like many other things, a Man got all the credits for the same.
This brings me to my second part – why is it that all Mothers on social media seem the greatest. Let’s break it down.
All humans are flawed just like me, my mother, you, and yours. It’s just that when a mother is acting for her child, she will most likely be capable of enduring so much that she wouldn’t otherwise, for anyone else (more often than not).

That’s the big deal about mothers, mine is best for me, yours is hopefully the best for you. Some of us love our mothers despite their unacceptance of who we have become and some love them despite our unacceptance of how they behave.
All the mothers who are celebrated by their kids are villains in someone’s story, it’s just that we don’t get to read that narration about our mothers.
There can’t be perfect mothers because perfection doesn’t exist, perfection is a notion that was built by repeatedly hammering it upon our consciousness.
Mothers are usually great when they are being a ‘mother’, at other times, they are just another human – who haggles for change, thinks she is overworked and underpaid/underappreciated, wants to get drunk, doesn’t think she deserves the worst piece of food just because she has a uterus, is over critical of anyone who isn’t her child/family, cooks the dish she prefers (repeatedly) convincing you that’s your ‘family tradition’, curses when she drives and doesn’t love to nag everyone – it’s just that if she didn’t nag, your home would be your hostel.
Happy Mother’s Day, to everyone who is a mother.
Disclaimer: The opinion expressed is that of the author alone and is meant for recreational reading. This is in no way a judgemental opinion on any religion or religious beliefs of any person, living or dead.

By Senjuti Das roy
Senjuti is a lawyer by profession and loves telling stories. Her stories primarily originate from experience, observation, and a fair amount of luck. She loves to share her stories as anecdotes. She has so far lived in six cities in four countries and feels that’s the reason she has never had a dearth of anecdotes. She can be contacted at
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