Being Women


Love I could never redeem

Love I Could Never Redeem-Part2

Aakash met Maria during his college days. Serendipity. And with time they came close and became best friends. Love was in the air but something happened and they chose to separate their ways. But they met again like never before. Read the second and conclusive part of this beautiful love story.

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Their Greatest Valentine Gift

The sound of thunder roared along with the tumultuous waves and the lightning flashed, reflecting the violent surge, ready to devour.
“A journey to find yourself!” She smiled adding ” Without me, my Valentine”

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Love I Could Never Redeem

Everyone seeks love during their lifetime. In any form. But sometimes when love knocks on our doors, we don’t let it in. We make your boundaries, keep it away, until one day, when we realise, it has already slipped out of our hands.

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Find Your Sleep

Sleep is often considered to be an unimportant activity. Working late at night or watching your favourite shows can make you feel good momentarily, but if continued for a long time, it will result in deterioration of health. What is needed is a sleep routine, that allows our bodies to get proper rest.

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Hey Women, Love Thyself

It’s seen that women have often ignored their own selves for the family. They are in a constant war of taking care of everyone else, even when they aren’t in the best of their health. Women do need to take breaks and find out how they can make things easier for themselves where they actually take care of themselves and their dreams.

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She Sparkled Bright, On A Saree-Clad Night

Women are often being judged based on their appearances, relationships and the choices they make for themselves. Does your appearance matter more than your identity as a person? Read this beautiful story of a simple girl making a huge difference without compromising on her choices.

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Shohini – The Unconditional Love For Oneself

We always seek unconditional love. Love beyond boundaries and expectations. Love
that stays with us always. Love that never gives up on us. Maitabi writes about one
such love story where Shohini found that love ultimately, but the hard way.

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