Being Women



Love — The Greatest Treasure of All

The poem celebrates the beauty and magic of love. It seeks to tell the reader to look for this miracle within, rather than seek it outside. Most often, our human minds equate happiness with material things, but such happiness only gives fleeting moments of joy. The most important blessing in life is to experience love (not just a romantic relationship but love in any form). The happiness that comes from feeling true and pure love is worth all the treasures of the world.

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Love I could never redeem

Love I Could Never Redeem-Part2

Aakash met Maria during his college days. Serendipity. And with time they came close and became best friends. Love was in the air but something happened and they chose to separate their ways. But they met again like never before. Read the second and conclusive part of this beautiful love story.

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Their Greatest Valentine Gift

The sound of thunder roared along with the tumultuous waves and the lightning flashed, reflecting the violent surge, ready to devour.
“A journey to find yourself!” She smiled adding ” Without me, my Valentine”

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When A Young Love Matures At The Age Of 50

It’s difficult to forget the first love of your life. Those are the times when your emotions overpower your mind. Societal parameters and boundaries take a back seat whereas the heart gets the utmost priority. There is no dearth of love stories during teenage years but nobody knows how many of them are true love and not infatuation. And what if this true love takes a different shape later in life. Read this heart-warming love story by Sudakshina Roy

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Despite Being Happily Married, She Found A New Love

Sometimes in life, we take wrong decisions. We fail to set our priorities right. And as a result, our loved ones, along with us, have to suffer the consequences. We keep searching for love in the outer world while it lies very close to us, very much within us. What we need to do is find and embrace it.

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Aaji, Ajoba And A Tale Of Love

There is a constant comparison between Love now and Love then! But the realization of love is enwrapped in its core essence of respecting your partner’s feelings and protecting them with all your heart. A septuagenarian Marathi couple started their marital journey on this sweetest note possible and found their love-struck moment fifty years ago. Find out how in this real-life inspired story by our hopelessly romantic lady, Anuja Lopamudra.

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Love I Could Never Redeem

Everyone seeks love during their lifetime. In any form. But sometimes when love knocks on our doors, we don’t let it in. We make your boundaries, keep it away, until one day, when we realise, it has already slipped out of our hands.

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Daughter of Darkness

The relationship of a husband and his wife is very unique in every possible way. They are supposed to complement each other and be each other’s support. But what if either of them decides to move on for some reason? Is it valid? Who is going to suffer the most? Read this heart-wrenching story and decide for yourself.

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