The Farmer’s Serenade

A farmer hums a love song while harvesting, as nature sways to his tune. A cuckoo carries his melody home, making his beloved blush. As night falls, love fills the air—she awaits him, heart racing. Under moonlit whispers, their embrace weaves a perfect serenade of passion and longing.

The golden morning ray beckons a day cheerful and bright

The lillies sway by the blue bay, swooning in the arms of the gentle breeze

A farmer hums a love song mesmerisingly melodious while reaping his crops in the field
The corn plants swaying as if in a sprightly dance

The eavesdropping cuckoo whispers the song to the farmer's beloved back home,
Making her pearl cheeks turn crimson 

As the sunny day melts into the arms of the sultry evening
Tealight candles light up her home
Twinkling stars whisper gleefully,
The farmer has come home to his lady

She adjusts her bonnet, the lip balm shining a shade brighter
The kettle in her kitchen whistles, the wooden coffee table gives out a naughty creak. 

She stands coyly facing the kitchen window
Her heart pounding as his fragrance fills the air
He inches closer, rugged arms wrapping around her slender waist
Her tresses go loose, as the hold gets firmer.

The moon blushes and hides behind the clouds, the white owl turns its gaze away,
The night winds happily put off the tea lights, while the lovers craft a perfect melody.

By Devjani Majumdar

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