A note from the poet –
I penned down the poem when I feared phone calls in the year 2018. I was on a visit to my maternal place when the news came that my father-in-law had passed away. It was the very year when after four months came the call that my Dad had passed away. I was disheartened and decided to vent my feelings in the form of poetry.
Phone calls are so pleasing right,
You get to talk to people you can’t hug tight,
No one too far ‘coz its only distance,
But that night was not a happy one,
A phone call to let them know our existence,
Ringing phone for neither good nor fun,
I still remember it was half past three,
That dreaded phone call shook me,

“He is no more” were the words,
Watery eyes and trembling chords,
Yes, I remember we couldn’t sleep then,
A restless night with hearts full of pain,
Father-in-law, very near and dear to me,
Whom for the last time I couldnt see,
That phone call threatens me yet,
Fearful heart, loss never to be met….
One phone call made you sad,
Then why call every other bad?
‘Coz this time it rings again,
No time to heal from the pain,
Yet another news to break me down,
This time it’s my king with the crown,
“Papa left us, come soon,” said the voice,
I had to rush, no other choice.

My father – my backbone he was,
Lonely me, gone he is,
His last breath I couldn’t hear,
Succumbed to the pain he couldn’t bear,
The hand I held for the first walk,
I’ve lost the ear to my infinite talk…
The year I never will forget,
The phone calls I will always regret,
Fear engulfs me every moment,
Ringing phone tearing my excitement,
No room for more news bad,
Hoping for nothing that makes me sad,
Scared to hear the other voice,
That says a thing I can’t rejoice,
Ringtone that makes my heart fall,
Help me, please stop the dreaded phone call…..
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