Her embryo was sealed the day she was born,
She could never ever be a mom,
But that is not at all her fault,
Yet she has to bear all the taunt,
I know another woman who deliberately sealed her embryo,
Coz she knew what was her financial scenario,
Sealed her embryo yet another lady who was physically weak,
To not let her child feed from someone else’s beak,

The one who faced miscarriages again and again,
Sealed her embryo coz she couldn’t bear the pain,
What about that lady who is going through domestic violence,
Sealed it as she doesn’t want the child to bear the consequence,
Scared of the responsibility bestowed on the teen,
She chose to temporarily let her embryo be sealed,

For the reason same the lady in her thirties,
Chose to seal as it was not easy to take responsibilities,
The unmarried girl wants to go for adoption,
For her marriage is not an option,
The reason that lady with two angels sealed her embryo was a decision strong,
A happy family it is why wait for son to be born…

Many more examples more instances near us,
Without knowing whose story we still curse,
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