The highland beauteous, the dale so serene
Bestowed with riches, though not for the mean;
Let’s ramble around to break free from the mundane
Mellow out the vexation, do not burden the terrain;
It embraces us sans biases, while all we leave is junk
I wish climate change was a myth, we could debunk.
Eon after eon, the Earth undergoes a change

Desert exists now, where once stood a ridge or a range;
But the mercury levels are pacing of late, into a pell-mell
Resources are depleting, do we hear the warning bell?
Our planet Earth is sinking, into distressful quagmire
Climate change is just a hoax, and not behind the forest fire?
Floods in the dust bowl, summers parched with heat
Weather is unpredictable, brooks are seeking retreat;
Barrages changing the topography, inviting the quake
Free aquifers once unconfined, are now at stake;

Rivers befouled by detritus, dark zones rising in count
Hoping climate change to be a joke, we shall surmount.
Let’s invest in our planet, plant a few trees, if not an orchard
Else containing the greenhouse gases would become really hard;
And how about judiciously using water that drops?
Harvesting the downpour by using various props;
And can we put a bowl of water for birds on our porch?
Climate change is playing havoc, aggravating the scorch.

Let’s invest in our planet, and play our bit of role
No to ‘single-use plastic’, can be one such teeny weeny goal;
Can we carry a reusable bag, even a tote would be fine
No litter here and leavings there, let the bourg shine;
Sustainability is a pivotal key, to a better clime
Let’s save our own orb, it’s already high time.
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