Ma is irreplaceable…
Whensoever I incline an ear, to a melody depicting a mother
It melts my resilience, I can really hear it no further
I look at my mom, who is already in tears
Cause she lost hers, at the age of 25 years
I can’t console her, even if I want to do so
For mothers are irreplaceable, this I sure know
My mother never gives vent to, her fears and feelings
She emanates placidity, angelic are all her dealings
Ma….she is angelic…
Her selflessness is unmatched and that amazes me all the more
But not often do I tell her, Ma I love you from my heart’s deepest core.
Her name is synonymous with moon, and that does make sense
Even when things are dark, she really takes no offence
And when we siblings, all grown-ups now,
Are in a quest to prove, ourselves as her favourite somehow
Father’s winsome better half, is smarter than us all
Three dishes for three of us, leaving no place for a brawl
Unpretentious, amiable and a woman of substance
She has indoctrinated us to be good, no matter the instance
Ma….an epitome of love…
An epitome of love, she edifies us to be grounded, the higher we soar
Not often do we say, but Ma we love you from our heart’s deepest core.

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