The human mind is complex. We keep trying our best to decipher it. Sometimes we get through it, but mostly we find ourselves entwined in wires with no hope in sight. Amidst these loggerheads, there are a few who make their own way, crossing their self-made boundaries. The boundaries which were holding us throughout. We break it to explore ourselves. To reach out to our dreams or win over inhibitions. And this is how we break prejudices and move on to live our dreams.
To get success, failure is inevitable and so is the struggle. There is no shortcut to success. We call it pain, agony, emotional turmoil or barging in our own space, our own comfort level. We see that fire burning inside us to do more, to achieve the unexpected, to reach out to our stars. After all, we are our own changemakers and we are the one who has to bring out that new us. We must shed those fears, abandon those prejudices and rise higher each moment. We are the self-made star of our life and nothing can stop us now!
Life isn’t about age or missed opportunities but all about evolving irrespective of the challenges that are thrown at us. Until we begin, we will never know what we can achieve. The She Saga (TSS), E-magazine is a reflection of the dreams many have seen and achieved. Stories of those common people who are bringing changes in the society, with their best interests and efforts. They have been doing their best to bring that positive social change of acceptance and equality. The She Saga is all about us. It’s about all of us.
Here, we are liberating ourselves with words, telling stories to inspire and motivate others.
Every human has a story and we intend to bring those to you all through this platform. So come forward and do let us know your story , and thus inspire others.