Abram in Town: A Vampire’s Reflection On Election Frenzy and Urban Struggles

Follow the story of Abram, a newly-turned vampire who longs for his human life. Returning to his hometown of Delhi on his birthday, Abram is met with unexpected challenges and reflections on humanity's darker side.

At last, my birthday is here. I can’t wait to return to my hometown. Let’s see what surprises Delhi has in store for me. Oh Lord, I should have planned to come at a different time of the year. This election mania drives me crazy, and on top of that, this scorching heat.

Every time I think humans can’t stoop any lower, they prove me wrong. What stuns me even more is the wrath some people show when supporting a party or politician. Even within families, members are divided due to politics. It’s like the British never left.

I can’t even rest under my favorite hiding spot under the trees, as they’ve been struck down to make way for a new highway. I should get my cape from where I hid it last time I was here.

Oh, no! What have they done to my favorite cape? It’s been smeared with blood and dirt. Even though I’m a vampire who sucks blood, humans are no better. They’re ready to spill blood over politics, money, and power.

I wish, just as one removes dirt with a broom, one could sweep away the evil intentions of these politicians who take undue advantage of the innocent’s blood, sweat, and tears.

Alcohol is being sold for free, chickens given to people to garner votes, and lastly, fake promises. Instead of these weird gimmicks, politicians should try to improve the people’s lives. What would the outcome be?

It’s only in words that good days are to come. In reality, politicians leave no stone unturned in filling their coffers with money and dividing people based on caste and religion.

The finger that citizens use for casting their vote should be used to pinpoint politicians and ask them what solutions they have for their problems.

Every nook and corner I pass through, I see something being constructed, a road or a street being renamed. Innumerable people are out on the streets, dying from hunger and poverty.

Meanwhile, the hard-earned money of taxpayers and citizens is being spent on building statues, airports, highways, temples, and stadiums. I wish more schools, shelter homes, and hospitals were built instead.

With high levels of pollution, increasing numbers of cars, and industrial emissions, it’s become difficult to breathe. Delhi has become like a gas chamber. It’s sad to see that instead of planting more trees, all I see are high-rise buildings and mobile towers.

Everything is at a high: the temperature, the prices, the corruption, treachery, bribery, and crime rates. It’s like nothing has changed since I left. The situation has just worsened.

Seeing these politicians’ hunger and thirst for power, my hunger and thirst die. My fangs are nothing compared to the venom these politicians spread among people.

I wanted to enjoy my birthday, but it has been ruined. I no longer wish to stay among the living. What purpose do the living have? To lie, cheat, and deceive. It’s like they’re living but dead on the inside, with hearts so cold and their brains dead. It’s sad to see humanity at such a stage. I wonder when mankind will regain its glory.

By Sonali Swain

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One Response

  1. This moral behind this story is so important to be told.
    Very true, humans are the Worst. Animals are angels if you make a comparison. Vampires too wouldn’t stoop as low as humans would.
    Well imagined. And penned.

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