Religion Chooses Us, Faith Is What We Make Of It

However, religion, if given too much importance, is subject to misinterpretation and misuse. For ages, it has been successfully used to divide us and continues to do so. What has kept us together despite that, is our faith. Let’s not use religion as a tool to judge people and like all relationships, let’s keep our relationship with God personal.

“So, you don’t believe in God?”

“Excuse me?” I turned around, a little taken aback at the way the question was thrown at me; point-blank.

This was the first time someone had asked me such a question.

“Of course, I do believe,” I replied almost indignantly. I was miffed at her style but then this was medical School and she was a senior, so she probably assumed she could get away with anything.

“Why do you ask?” I was curious.

“There’s no temple or any deity in your room. Most girls have a corner reserved for the divine. Since you hadn’t, so I assumed,” she shrugged, her nonchalance undeterred as ever.

“That’s because I don’t believe in idol worship,” came my terse reply. I don’t think it helped clear any of her confusion but thankfully she dropped the discussion.

It’s almost 25 years since this conversation happened and I have often been questioned about my religious beliefs and allegiance to any specific deities with similar brazen confidence. My replies have been brief, terse, curt or polite depending on who asked, and why. Since I have had enough time to dwell upon it, let me just put down my thoughts here; once and for all.

Why are we so presumptuous, is my first question. Being curious is still understandable but assuming something based on that curiosity is preposterous. Presumptuous and preposterous. I like the sound of that but no, I am not letting this gloating take me away from what I have to say.

Why are religion and belief considered synonymous? Isn’t religion something where we have no say in making a choice? We are stamped with it the day we are born. (And judged on it for the rest of our lives… sighhh…).

Belief, on the other hand, is something we build as we grow up depending on our exposure and experiences. It’s our relationship with God, the supreme power, or whatever we choose to call Him/ Her. Religion is our introduction to God, at best an almanac. Our interpretation is what forms our belief. Religion may show us the way but eventually it is our belief system that helps us walk on it.

I am not overtly religious and unless compelled to, I am not ritualistic either. Idol worship doesn’t come easy to me maybe because my upbringing was hinged on Arya Samaj and denouncing idol worship is one of the most important tenets. What is however of note here is that every time I have been in a tough situation, it’s my faith that moved the mountains for me.

My father often quotes a couplet by Allama Iqbal;

Masjid to Bana Di Shab Bhar Mein Iman Ki Hararat Walon Ne
Mann Apna Purana Papi Hai, Barsoun Mein Namazi Ban Na Saka

(The believers built a mosque overnight; but our heart couldn’t become devout in years, the old sinner that it is).

That kind of sums it up for me. Rather than indulging in rituals, I choose to work on my faith which has never been an easy job. That said, if I have to thank the Lord, I’ll reflexively fold my hands in gratitude than, may be, genuflect or kneel.

I was born in a Hindu family and my mother being an Arya Samaj follower, that gesture came the most naturally to me. I studied initially in a Christian Missionary School and then at DAV Institution. Over the years I have had friends from various religions. This exposure and my experiences with them, something that I mentioned earlier, have had a huge hand in shaping my beliefs. I realise that we may follow different religions, and our rituals may be distinct from each other, yet it is our humanity, our empathy, and our faith that defines us. My conclusion is that all roads lead to God.

However, religion, if given too much importance, is subject to misinterpretation and misuse. For ages, it has been successfully used to divide us and continues to do so. What has kept us together despite that, is our faith. Let’s not use religion as a tool to judge people and like all relationships, let’s keep our relationship with God personal.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions are of the author’s and The She Saga has nothing to do with it, since it is just a publishing platform.

By Dr Shivani Salil

She is a doctor, an author, an editor and now trying to be a legitimate artist who finally decided at forty that there was only one life to be lived and ticking the boxes wasn’t the way to do it. Since then she has been busy poking holes in the boxes that are designed to define her. She can be contacted at

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