Being a parent, particularly with young kids, can change the way one looks at a lot of aspects of everyday life. And while people relate parenting to changes in sleep patterns or travel schedules, not many realise that something as unrelated as home décor too can be vastly influenced when incorporating the needs of kids in the house. Being a mother to a 3-year-old and a home décor enthusiast, while setting up my new home I realised that making our homes child-friendly goes much beyond setting up a children’s study/playroom. You may find ideas galore on the internet, but not all of them may be the best for your house if you have active toddlers running around! If you are a family with kids looking to beautify your space, here are some tips that can make your life easy.
Colours & Themes:
Modern, minimalist interiors with whites and beiges, and clean straight lines, look fabulous on the pages of home décor magazines. But imagine being constantly terrorised by the thought of your child smudging some chocolate or paint on them. With younger kids (or sometimes even older ones!), it could help to introduce colours in the house. This can hide the stains that kids undeniably bring and can let you (and them) breathe easy!
Bohemian interiors are great in this regard with the riot of colours they offer. Vintage or traditional interior themes too, with heavy use of wood and antiques, can be good options to consider. And most importantly, don’t forget the walls and go for paints that are easily wipeable. The little artists invariably end up using them as their canvas!
Before you place the order for that gorgeous fabric sofa you have been eyeing, give a thought to the consequences of that cola (or once again, paint!) spilt on it by your kid. Leatherette furniture, for instance, are easier to clean and maintain with kids around. Think through all the furnishings considering the kind of access your kids would have to them. If within easy reach, you could opt for darker shades and materials that are easily machine-washable materials. Another trick would be to go for prints instead of plain/solid fabrics. When rightly used, this can accentuate your space even whilst giving the kids a chance to make mistakes as they grow.

Making all the furniture in the house kid-friendly becomes particularly necessary for younger kids. For example, based on the age of your child you may want to assess the height of the furniture you buy. Tables that are very low could risk toddlers pulling things off them. Similarly, rounding the sharp edges of your furniture is a good idea around kids. Safety corners and edges can be opted for as well, although they do affect the look of the space. Soft-close drawers and magnetic cupboard catches too are worthy investments.
Kids play, run around, and fall! Light, non-grip rugs and dhurries on the floor can be a bad idea for smaller children. Bulky rugs that hold in place, are better suited, but they are heavier on the purse and demand effort for cleaning and maintenance. If you want to do away with rugs altogether, going for patterned tiles in certain areas of the house too can have much visual appeal. Wooden flooring is also a great option for growing kids and lends a warm, comforting vibe to the home’s aesthetics, although they do succumb to greater wear and tear over a longer period. The key is to balance your needs, feasibility, and the look you have in mind for your home.
Books stacked on the floor, plants in every nook and corner, light & portable furniture or delicate glass & porcelain decor items look great in pictures, but do not sustain in the eye of the storm that children bring. Where possible, lifting things to a height and avoiding placing fragile items within hand’s reach can ensure that your artefacts remain safe. Pick robust furniture against easily movable ones unless you are okay with them being moved around for play! And make sure that all the indoor plants you have chosen are harmless for kids. Do remember, plants need a lot of care and time to survive. So, if you are a newbie to gardening, and already have your hands full with kids, you may want to start small and go slow on that front.
Kids’ Space:
Stating the very obvious, do remember to dedicate areas (or a room) for your kids to do their thing in the house unhindered. Growing kids need space for movement and messy explorations. Having furniture such as tables or shelves for toys or books, and furnishings like fun-themed beddings, curtains and rugs around the house and in their room, or making space for play such as sand pits and tents/tepees, can make them feel included and at home.
And finally, breathe. Despite doing everything here, when there’s a new stain from that muddy shoe brought on a carpet by the kid that simply won’t go, or a sticker suddenly adorns that newly finished cupboard or freshly painted wall that will peel if you try to remove it, remember to breathe – these little mishaps only add soul into your home, creating memories that you will cherish later!
Beautifying your space is not impossible with kids – it only needs a little more thought and consideration. With these pointers in mind, you can make your home an equally enjoyable and safe space for both yourself and your children.

By Sharanya Mishra
An IT Consultant by profession, Sharanya is a passionate blogger, a voracious reader, a travel enthusiast, a new age parent, a fierce feminist and an emotional writer.
She is reachable at:
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